Life Is Not Seamless With Technology

Nowadays, people have trouble focusing. A study in 2002 found that we get distracted every eight minutes on average. That means we face 60 distractions in a day of eight hours. And that’s just during work time.

So think about how many more times you are distracted during your waking hours, in 2023!

Ofcom also found in 2018 that people check their smart phone typically every 12 minutes. This, tied in with all the other distractions you face in the day-to-day, like fiddling around with your keys to get into your home, takes your mind away from having focus and concentration.

People don’t realise that their devices (e.g., phones, cameras, door locks) have created more barriers and inefficiencies for them; everything is disconnected and its own entity. We’re in the 2020s and technology should be more intricately connected, yet seamless for users, no matter which brand you buy

Yes, there are now more ways than ever to automate something. But these are all provided by individual brands that prefer people using their app.

If you use smart home stuff, you know that you have an app for each brand, and that if you want to get them to talk to each other, there’s always some complication involved which causes most people to just give up – defeating the point that smart home tech is supposed to be supportive of sustainability and automation, when it actually creates more work.

At this point, it may just be better to stick with regular, non-smart home solutions.

This marks one of the large problems that scOS is working to solve. Life is not seamless with technology, the way we imagined it to be. I want scOS to allow intelligent communication between any IoT device, no matter the brand, to help people stay focused and separate their involvement from being “an input” in technology. Additionally, this solution is far more supportive of long-term sustainability during the evolution of humanity.


Secondly, we’re in 2023. Why are basic crimes still such a large threat to people? Many nation’s are currently facing an unprecedented increase in crime with 4.4 million crimes being committed in 2013, up to 6.43 million crimes in 2020 (in the UK). The US experienced 16.4 million crimes in 2019, with property crime being the worst.

The big drivers behind this is slow response times from law enforcement agencies, leaving a victim of a crime feeling helpless. To add to the helplessness, some police responders won’t even go out to a crime. Additionally, when a crime is reported, in most cases it is left unsolved. (I should really have started this paragraph by saying “the slow drivers behind this”).

We, on behalf of the public and with the public through open discussions, need to solve this. The best way a private company can do this is through prevention. However, if CCTV cameras are so good at prevention, then why does crime still happen?

This is why I am focused on getting scOS to build a real time, intelligent, crime prediction and pro-active prevention system – without human input needed.

Plus security is a rather dull industry. What have they actually been doing recently that is exciting?

Further to this, scOS has been working on this as part of its core focus, over smart home control, for now. This is because crime is currently a greater issue that needs to be brought to better control. It is also great for both scOS, our customers, and the general public as it allows us to work together on how data can be specifically used to provide the automated protective benefits for all.

Did I mention that you own your data?


– Flynn


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Flynn Robinson (CEO):


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