Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as ‘AI’ is where machines (or better – computers) can perform tasks that are on a human’s level of intellectual ability.
At Smart City Operating System, we consider true AI to be a machine that performs a task without the need for human intervention or instructions, like a typical algorithm would require. An AI is fully autonomous.
While AI sounds like a fantastic technology, and it truly is when used carefully and correctly, there are also negatives. Some of which you may already be aware of, naturally.
What Are the Negatives of Artificial Intelligence?
When talking about the pros and cons of AI, it is important to note that at the current stage of AI development there are multiple different types of AI doing different things, independently of each other. Therefore, programmers will be focusing on developing AI with certain features that another AI system may not have. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is likely to solve this, however, even AGI is dependent on what the AI Engineers set out for it to do and know.
- Can be used for malicious activities or by bad actors.
- Could be used to replace human’s jobs.
- The Technological Singularity – The growth of technology goes out of control and becomes irreversible. Potentially causing the end of the human race.
- Humans become lazier – while in the short-term this humans may enjoy less work, in the long-term they will wish they had stuff to do.
- Unless fully trained to, which many AI systems are not, AI may not have emotions like we do.
- AI may lack common sense.
- Rogue AI could secretly copy versions of itself to prevent destruction.
What Are the Positives of Artificial Intelligence?
- Tasks that are dangerous to humans can be performed by AI and robotics.
- Save lives by making rapid decisions based on troves of data that would require multiple humans to perform.
- The possibility of being “revived” to another state if its hardware fails.
- Increased innovation as AI designs or exiting things, differently.
- Can work with humans and support us – being a team player.
- Can make more jobs and advanced the human race, collectively.
- 24/7 operation.
- AI can bring standards and consistency.
- A single AI instance can be in many locations at the same time – similar to scOS AI.
- Will help develop life saving technologies and the prolonging of life.
- Where there is a stalemate between two humans making a decision, AI could spot contributing factors the humans did not to reach a final conclusion.
There are many factors that AI can play part in. However, it is down to us as humans to best educate ourselves and build awareness on both the positives and negatives of AI. While this new technology can be taken as a threat to humanity’s existence, there are many options we have to prevent the worst from happening.