When Can You Not Be Transparent?

When Can You Not Be Transparent?

scOS offers a high level of transparency regarding its processes as part of its aim. However, there are some parts when it cannot be publicly transparent on. This is mainly due to privacy concerns and the need to protect sensitive information. In this Data Ethics article, we will explore identified parts of scOS where we have to waiver this transparency aim.

This article has a focus on what the public is not permitted to see. If you would like to know what scOS personnel and third parties are not authorised to see, please see our article on: "What Data of Mine Can You See?".

Cannot Share People's Information

Any entity that holds personal or business information with us, regardless of if they are a customer or not, we will not share any details of. This is standard and nothing new for businesses.

Who Our Customers Are

Similarly, scOS cannot disclose who its customers are without their consent. This is because, by default, we assume the rules of the Data Protection Act and GDPR. If scOS wishes to promote its services via testimonials, we will ask you (business or home) if we can have a comment with your name - or not.

We respect that some customers want to keep their use of scOS private and may not want others to know they are using the provided services.

Live or Recorded Footage

For customers who use scOS, they have a right to access their own footage, except for those who are on the Community Intelligence Service.

Footage is not locally/publicly accessible, unless the user of that footage has made it (for example they shared a private viewing link for a friend to view a clip). Currently, this is not possible on our system.

Community Intelligence Service: While this service is only accessible to the residents who are registered and authorised to use it - therefore not a public concern. You do, however, share cameras on publicly accessible property. This means you are not authorised to access the live streams; unless there is a reasonable justification from you, and the agreement of your elected Community Intelligence representative who can provide an assessment and authorisation to us to provide requested footage on an incident.

Attributable Patterns of Life That Leads to Identification of an Individual

scOS uses AI and machine learning algorithms to detect patterns of behaviour or "life" within a property. However, if these patterns are attributable to a specific individual, scOS cannot disclose this information publicly, as it would be a violation of their privacy and our ethics.

Additionally, where it is deemed invasive, scOS will not share collective personal data. For example, there is no reasonable justification to publicly share that the peak time of a neighbourhood arriving home is time X. However there is an internal justification to know this time (on the individual level) as our AI bases decisions off from this (e.g. automated or personal routines). However, what is not invasive to share is the number of prevented criminal incidents, or number of miles driven in a town.

System Logs

scOS relies on system logs to track the decisions of its AI, user technical changes (like connecting a new device), and staff activity. This helps to identify any potential security threats and also look further into any reported errors.

scOS cannot disclose these logs publicly, as doing so could reveal sensitive information (we keep private information out from logs).

Internal Safety Methods

scOS relies on sophisticated technical capabilities to ensure the safety and privacy of its users. However, scOS cannot disclose these techniques publicly, as doing so could compromise the security of the platform.

Anti-Tampering Techniques

To prevent tampering with the platform, scOS employs a variety of anti-tampering techniques. These cannot be disclosed as doing so could make it easier for individuals to circumvent the platform's security measures.

If you are interested in supporting us on system integrity or have spotted a vulnerability, please contact us as soon as possible.

Vetting Processes

scOS vets individuals or companies before they can work with us.

scOS cannot disclose these vetting processes publicly, as doing so could reveal sensitive information about the platform's security protocols.


In conclusion, while scOS strives to be transparent about its processes, there are some areas where transparency is limited due to privacy concerns and the need to protect sensitive information.

scOS will keep this page up-to-date based on any new features and internal decisions. By default, practice of common-sense is used to know whether something is morally or ethically poor.